soulmate of cancer

5 Zodiac Signs That Are the Best Cancer Soulmates

Cancer placements make some of the best partners in astrology. They’re sensitive, caring, and loyal. Accordingly, they make the perfect match for almost every zodiac sign.

Yet, Cancer soulmates have distinct qualities that perfectly complement the emotional traits of Cancer. This includes fellow water signs Scorpio and Pisces or grounding earth signs like Virgo.

Keep reading this guide to learn all about the astrology placements that form an otherworldly connection with Cancer. Let’s dive in!

5 Best Cancer Star Sign Soulmates

Cancers require a partner that acknowledges their moodiness and harmonizes with their intimate nature. That’s why the following zodiac signs are the best cancer soulmates:

1. Pisces

Both Pisces and Cancer are water signs, meaning they click together perfectly. You won’t have to second-guess if a Pisces is your soulmate, as the connection is instantaneous!

Cancer will find an ideal soulmate in Pisces. That’s because the two signs are pretty emotional. You might think this would translate to a lot of drama. Yet, what Cancer truly needs in a relationship is empathy and understanding.

This pairing thrives in intimate environments. They can have meaningful conversations for hours, building trust along the way.

The only trouble in paradise with this match would be stability. Pisces seeks constant stimulation, while Cancer values harmony.

That said, Pisces and Cancer can meet in the middle when properly navigating these issues. Then, Pisces can earn Cancer’s trust, helping them escape their shell and get some much-needed excitement. On the other hand, Pisces will find peace of mind in Cancer’s company.

cancer star sign soulmate

Image source: Pinterest

2. Taurus

Cancer and Taurus are a match made in heaven. At first glance, Taurus can seem too stubborn for the sensitive Cancer. However, once the pair overcome their communication barriers, they become an unmatched force.

This is pretty simple. All Taurus has to do is understand Cancer’s emotional nature and listen empathetically. As for Cancers, don’t hold on to petty grudges, as this will only increase Taurus’s stubbornness!

The two signs are traditional homebodies. While Cancer is more laid-back, Taurus is all about making things happen. This couple can build a secure life together, with Cancer nurturing the relationship, and Taurus focusing on the technical aspects.

3. Scorpio

One of the strongest Cancer zodiac sign soulmates is Scorpio. Scorpio is another water sign. Accordingly, the two signs are emotionally in sync, unlike any other astrology pairing.

The relationship might be slow at first, but that’s only because the two signs prefer to build an emotional connection. Then, their bond will be intense, passionate, and robust!

In fact, this might come as a surprise for Cancer, whose amiable character loves to keep things gentle and predictable. Once trust is established in the relationship, Scorpio’s adventurous tendencies will help Cancer become more free and wild.

4. Capricorn

Capricorn and Cancer are living proof that opposites attract. The two signs are at opposite ends on the astrology chart. They also have polar opposite personalities. However, this only strengthens their unlikely bond!

Cancer is spiritual, relying on the heart for guidance. Alternatively, Capricorn couldn’t be more grounded and practical. Well, the free-spirited Cancer can help Capricorn spread its wings and be imaginative, while bookish Capricorn will prevent Cancer from flying too close to the sun.

Capricorn might find Cancer’s emotions unpredictable, and Cancer can crave affection from the less-passionate Earth sign. Yet, by understanding each other’s love languages and building trust, nothing would stop this pair.

cancer soulmates

Image source: Pinterest

5. Virgo

Another Earth sign that’s the perfect match for Cancer is Virgo. There’s no denying that Earth signs are more logical than the emotional Water signs. That said, this keeps the relationship grounded, making for an eternal bond.

Cancer’s sensitive character is inspiring for Virgos, who tend to shut off their feelings. When the couple gets to know each other, their bond and trust will be impeccable.

That’s not all. Virgos tend to be selective when it comes to their partners. This will be incredibly reassuring for the sensitive cancer, igniting a passionate relationship with a sturdy foundation.

Romantic Qualities in Cancer

When looking for a soulmate, it’s essential to be introspective. That’s because looking within and understanding yourself will help you know what to search for in a life partner.

Here are all the qualities that set Cancer apart when it comes to relationships:

1. Caring

No one is as caring as Cancers. Many people mistake Cancer’s sensitivity for weakness. However, this sign’s high emotional intelligence means they’re able to connect with others on a deeper level, understand their needs, and nurture them.

That’s not all. This aspect also indicates generosity, particularly in relationships. Cancer will put their partner’s feelings before their own. For this reason, they need an equally selfless partner who can reciprocate their attentiveness.

2. Intimate

Since Cancers build an emotional connection with almost everyone they meet, their close relationships tend to be pretty intimate. They love one-on-one conversations and feeling as close as possible to their partner.

Many might mistake this passion for restriction, valuing their personal space more. That said, reassuring Cancer through different love languages will get them to respect their partner’s independence, without losing the passion in the relationship.

cancer soul mates

Image source: Pinterest

3. Intuitive

Cancer relies on their intuition in relationships rather than their rational judgment. That’s only natural as they can’t help but be guided by the intensity of their emotions.

This is far from a negative trait. Instead, Cancers are able to spot fakeness and forced relationships a mile away. Then, they can make decisions quickly based on their gut feeling.

4. Loyal

Cancers are emotional, passionate, and caring. In turn, they’re incredibly loyal. If Cancer opens up to you, they’re yours for life. They’ll never turn their backs on you, and they’ll devote all their time and attention to you.

Anyone will be lucky to have Cancer as a partner. Still, Cancer placements must lower their expectations, and carefully choose who they give their hearts to.

Final Thoughts

Cancer soulmates are the signs that can offset Cancer’s moodiness, ground their unrealistic expectations, and offer unparalleled love and reassurance. You can find these qualities in Pisces, Virgo, Capricorn, and Scorpio placements, making them the perfect soulmates of Cancer.

This doesn’t mean other signs can’t form a relationship with cancer, though. As long as both partners recognize their personality traits and their needs in a relationship, they can understand each others’ love languages and appreciate their opposing personalities.

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