three of swords reversed

Three of Swords Tarot Card Meanings (Love, Money & More)

The Three of Swords is one of the most challenging cards to deliver in a tarot reading. It typically symbolizes heartbreak, sorrow, and emotional trauma. Though its imagery and meaning are sometimes difficult to comprehend, the Three of Swords promises healing and growth and brings a deeper understanding of oneself. Here, we will talk about the different interpretations of the Three of Swords card relating to love, health, money issues, and career.

The Three of Swords Tarot Card Description

The face of this minor arcana tarot card features a floating heart with three swords piercing it. In the background, one can notice a heavy downpour and ominous clouds. The heart symbolizes everything noble in life, like warmth, compassion, and love. The three swords that cut through this heart represent the sorrow, agony, and misery that we all experience at one point in life. The clouds represent uncertainty.

The background art shows the depressing ambiance that derives from the unexpected arrival of negativity in someone’s life. When the Three of Swords appears upright, it symbolizes an emotional surprise. When it emerges in a reading, it often indicates an unnatural death of someone dear to you, the revelation of betrayal, or a breakup with your beloved one. Whatever the case, it will leave you devastated.3 of swords love

Even though the scenario might appear awful, there is usually a bright side. Trust your own ability to face any challenge by finding the power within you. After all, nothing lasts forever. Always remember that what you feel now doesn’t dictate how you will feel later. Your sad feelings will fade away with time. After this period, happier days will follow you.

Below are some common meanings of this card, whether obtained upright or reversed, during a reading:

Upright Key Meanings

  • Sadness
  • Falsehood
  • Suffering
  • Conflict
  • Heartache
  • Separation

Reverse Key Meanings

  • Overcoming despair, sadness, sorrow, and grief
  • Letting go of hurt
  • Optimism
  • Forgiving
  • Reconciling
  • Making compromises
  • Solving communicating problems
  • Getting over heartbreak

The Three of Swords Meanings

3 of Swords is a feeling card that comes to warn someone about the conflicts that are about to happen. It’s important to take care so that the pain does not carry you away. This card helps you know how to deal with situations, learn from your mistakes, and give yourself a chance to try again. So, here is what the upright Three of Swords card means in love, money, and career.3 of swords in reverse

Meaning of the Upright Three of Swords in Love

In romantic readings, the Three of Swords often points to heartbreak, separation, betrayal, or romantic triangles. Being in such a situation can be difficult since our love life is one of the things that make us feel secure and happy. So, when there is a sudden end or conflict in a romantic relationship, it hurts. If you’re in a relationship, this card can signal that some issues will arise that will affect you and your person.

The card calls on you to examine areas of mistrust, poor communication, or self-protection that may be the cause of conflict or heartbreak. When your relationship ends, ensure you appreciate the good you experienced while it lasted. This fading relationship has taught you some lessons that can come in handy while trying to find true love. Therefore, you can count on it as a learning experience. However, before you jump into another one, focus on yourself first. It’s important to ensure you are really ready before getting into another relationship.

Meaning of the Upright Three of Swords in Money

In finances, the Three of Swords warns of unexpected expenses, job loss, financial setbacks, or economic downturns. There might be fine print or details you missed returning to haunt you. Inheritances or dividends may be delayed or fail to come through. Furthermore, the people you trust might be the ones involved in your losses.three of swords love

If you’re considering signing a contract or making a large purchase, carefully scrutinize the details. Double-check any assumptions you’re making. Seek wise counsel from others with experience in the matter. It’s not the time to rush ahead unthinkingly, as what glitters may not be gold.

This may be a time to reevaluate your relationship with co-workers or partners and ensure open communication. This way, you can minimize unnecessary conflicts as well as avoid stress. Also, this isn’t the perfect time to make investments or enter new partnerships, as the card depicts betrayals and scams.

Meaning of the Upright Three of Swords in Career

Wondering what the Three of Swords means in your career? This tarot card cautions you to watch for potential pain, loss, or conflict in your work life. You might be dealing with unemployment, job loss, unethical work practices, broken contracts, co-worker feuds, or office discrimination. Legal issues around employment may also pop up.

If problems have already surfaced, acknowledge the sorrow and disappointment you feel but avoid drowning in depression. Reflect on what this situation is trying to teach you about yourself, your values, and your goals. Use it as motivation to create meaningful change. Speak out if you see injustice.

Even if things seem fine on the surface, pay attention to any underlying issues festering beneath. Address problems directly before they spiral. With care and consciousness, this passage can lead to profound renewal in your career.

Meaning of the Upright Three of Swords in Health

The Three of Swords sometimes indicates that you or another person you care about might have some physical and emotional problems in a health spread. When that happens, it is the perfect time to take care of your physical and mental health. Optimism will be critical in your healing process, so stay positive.3 of swords reversed

Meaning of the Reversed 3 of Swords in Love

So, what is the outcome of this reversed card in a relationship? It indicates that you are slowly healing after a breakup or betrayal in a relationship. The initial rawness of the pain is beginning to subside. This means you are ready to let go of the pain it caused you.

It’s a sign that you and your partner might be determined to reconcile. If they are the ones who wronged you, they are ready to apologize and mend things. And if you are the one who wronged them, they are ready to forgive you. Your person is looking forward to moving on from the painful event.

Alternatively, this reversed card may indicate that you are still holding onto grief, pain, or sorrow and are not ready to let go. For example, someone may have hurt you in the past, and you are still focusing on that, so you are not prepared to forgive them. Is that how you are feeling? Then, consider whether there is a need to continue with the relationship. Focusing more on the betrayal will hinder your relationship from moving on.

But what if you are in a new relationship? In this case, the Three of Swords in Love means you are healing each other from the heartache experienced. If you think things got off on a bad note, then the reverse appearance of this card is a good sign. There is still hope. Therefore, don’t fear being vulnerable with your person since it can strengthen your bond. Always remember, your current partner isn’t your ex. Therefore, no matter what you have experienced with past relationships, do not bring that baggage to the current relationship.

Meaning of the Reversed 3 of Swords in Money

The reversed Three of Swords in the financial sector indicates recovery from monetary loss or hardship. You are making your way out of debt, repaying loans, and righting any economic wrongs or unwise decisions made previously. It means you and your creditors have agreed on how you will repay your debt, or the debtors have decided to forgive you a certain amount.

Alternatively, this card could also indicate that the suffering from the financial loss is intensifying. If you have lost a lot, it could be really difficult for you to change your ways of spending or abandon your previous way of living. If you refuse to acknowledge the truth of your position, then a bad situation quickly becomes even worse.three of swords reversed

Meaning of the Reversed 3 of Swords in Career

Professionally, the appearance of the reversed Three of Swords shows you are starting to bounce back after setbacks or conflicts in your work life. Lingering resentment toward former employers or co-workers now gives way to understanding and forgiveness. Chances are your colleagues have forgotten about the conflict or have moved on.

The Three of Swords reversed might allude to the onset of an imminent end to a stormy work or career setting. Your mood might improve, and the workplace environment will feel much better with happier people. It may be because the source of tension has left the company. There is a culture of compassion, healing, and teamwork. Communication has enhanced.

Meaning of the Reversed Three of Swords in Health

In terms of health, the 3 of Swords reversed is also positive, which often points towards a recovery from health issues. It implies that if there were concerns about a physical condition, there might be some improvements, or one may find a cure. Also, this card extends its meaning to mental and emotional well-being, which indicates healing, mainly if the issue is a result of stress or emotional distress.


The Three of Swords card is always challenging to receive in a reading, as its meanings point to profound sorrow, grief, and loss. However, when it appears in reverse, it indicates good things. It means now is the perfect time to forgive and create space for understanding and growth. You need to let go of the past and move on to something better.

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